How to tell if your dog needs to lose weight

Fox Terrier Dog

There are many ways to tell if your dog is overweight.  You should not be able to see your dog’s ribs but when you put your hands on both sides of his ribcage you should be able to feel his ribs.  You should also be able to count his ribs.  When your dog’s fur is wet you should be able to see his ribs.  When you look at your dog you should be able to see his waist.  If he does not have a waistline he is too heavy.  If your dog is overweight he will be lazy and have labored breathing when he exercises.

You need to use common sense when you try to determine your dog’s ideal weight.  Some dogs will have a bigger frame or be bigger boned so they will be able to weigh more and not be fat.  Working dogs like Greyhounds, German shepherds and other breeds that work as police and rescue dogs will be thinner and their ribs may show little.   Cocker Spaniels, Shih Tzu and Poodles are not working dogs and their ribs should not show but you should be able to feel them.

Obesity in dogs is becoming very common.  Obesity in dogs causes many diseases to develop and other problems in dogs.  There are several causes for a dog to become overweight.  An improper diet, too many treats and lack of exercise are the main causes.  There are also medical problems like an under active thyroid and Cushing’s disease than can cause weight gain in your dog.  Some breeds like the English bulldog, Beagle, Dachshunds, Pugs, Dalmatians and Cocker Spaniels are prone to obesity.

An overweight dog can have many health problems like Cardiac Disease, Diabetes, high blood pressure, Osteoarthritis, Respiratory disorders and several types of cancer.  An overweight dog is prone to health problems just like an overweight human. 

It is easy for a dog to gain weight but hard for him to lose it.  If your dog must lose weight it might help if you take him to your veterinarian before you put him on a diet.  Your veterinarian can determine if your dog’s weight gain is because of a medical problem.  If your dog does not have a medical problem your veterinarian will put him on a program so he can lose weight.

When your dog is on his weight loss program it is a good idea to weigh him every week to see how he is doing with his weight loss.

Do not feed your dog table scraps or junk food as they will cause him to gain weight.  Dog foods and treats that have a high calorie count will also cause your dog to gain weight.  Dog treats are very fattening.  When your dog is on a diet cut down the number of treats you feed him.  When your dog is on a diet do not feed your dog cheese, hot dogs or fatty commercial treats.  Feed your dog treats that are low in calories.  You can also give your dog carrots, apples and green beans as treats.  They are good for your dog and most dogs like them.  If you watch what you feed your dog the right food and give him plenty of exercise he should get back in shape with no problem.

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About norlaw

I write articles for several internet sites
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